No one wants to hear the name of termites, the silent destroyers who love feeding on wood during the day and night. It is because termites never sleep and are feeding 24×7 round the year. Perhaps, therefore, termite infestation at home is a serious matter! The danger of termites however can be kept at bay […]
How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs Overnight
Bed bugs, although the name might appear small, the danger they bring along is huge. These are tiny bugs that are hard to see by the naked eye interested to suck human and animal blood. For this, reason, they often get infested in our beds and upholstery. Once infested, these bugs can deprive you of […]
10 Best Ways to Prevent Termites at Home
Do you know that termites damage stuff worth billions every year in Indian homes? They feed on wooden furniture, walls, books, and several other items easily found inside our homes. So, if you take these tiny pests lightly, you are calling in for unwanted expenditure for damage caused by termites. Now, if you are thinking […]
How to Prevent Food-borne Diseases with a Pest Control Service
Do you know in the last few months, doctors in India have noticed a 25% – 30% increase in the number of patients suffering from food-borne infections? Food poisoning, or food-borne diseases are caused when we eat food contaminated by germs, pests, bacteria, viruses, and chemical substances. One thing that can help you minimize the […]
Is it Worth Booking a Pest Control Service Near Me for Home?
Pest control is vital for protecting human health, ensuring food safety, and preserving economic losses. Still, there are people who ignore booking regular pest control services underestimating their actual worth. So, stay tuned to know if is it worth booking a pest control service near me for your home. In the same article, you will […]
Dangerous Indian Insects – 15 Interesting Facts You Must Know About
India has a rich biodiversity. The Zoological Survey of India (ZSI) in their report of fauna in 2020 reported a total of 102,718 species of fauna, with 557 new species including 407 newly described species and 150 new country records. India has been home to many kinds of insects, bugs, arthropods, etc. Most of the […]
Various Types of Ants
Ants are among the most diverse and fascinating creatures on Earth. With over 12,000 known species worldwide, ants inhabit almost every corner of the planet. These tiny insects play crucial roles in ecosystems, from soil aeration and nutrient cycling to seed dispersal and pest control. In this article, we will delve into the mesmerizing world […]
What Determines the Cost of a Termite Treatment?
It must be a shock to see your wooden furniture and flooring sounding hollow due to a termite infestation. These tiny termites can eat up your entire house foundation, making it hollow deep within. But, sadly not everyone considers booking a termite treatment fearing it is a costly affair. It is not always that to […]
Why do mosquitoes bite?
She doesn’t care whether you are a male or female. She doesn’t care what your preference is. She relentlessly stalks you. Follows you wherever you go. You try to wave her off and even get rid of her friends, but she continues to pursue you. This drives you to the point where you ask yourself […]