Have you ever wondered why the demand for pest control in India shoots up in the summer season? It is because the summer season is the pest season in a country like India, where summer offers favorable temperatures, availability of food, humidity, and water in the surroundings to several types of pests. The answer to […]
10 Effective Natural Ways to Get Rid of Termites
Nature has indeed bestowed upon us several things to get rid of unwanted things and organisms. Take, for instance, termites! Not many people indeed prefer trying home remedies to control termites, but some termite control remedies really work against termites! Do not take these pests lightly due to their tiny size, as they have the […]
What Types Of Diseases Caused By Mosquito Bites?
You may feel mosquito pest control services for your home could be just one of the waste expenses, however, the truth is different. Professional pest control services for mosquitoes assure protection against the mosquito colony. If you belong to the other side of the group, who believe mosquitoes are nothing more than an insect that […]
Smart Ways to Clean a Fridge Inside and Out
You rely on your refrigerator to store all kinds of foodstuff, but do you take good care of this most frequently used home appliance? If your answer is no, then you are putting your family at a big risk of suffering from diseases due to food contamination through a dirty fridge. Fridge or refrigerator cleaning […]
Best Ways to Deal with Flying Termites
Detecting flying termites in the house may be a rare scenario as compared to normal wood-termites. A majority of people are therefore not aware of how to deal with these winged termites in the house. While there are many who often mistake these flying termites as flying ants. Will a wood termite treatment be apt […]
How To Check Termites In Used Furniture
Furniture shopping for your house or workplace is typically a fun experience. While new furniture meets all of the standards, used furniture gives a vintage touch to the overall design of the space. However, if second-hand wooden furniture is infested with termites, the discounted price can cost you an arm and a leg. Although termite […]
Why You Need Office Deep Cleaning Services in Summer
Ever since the Indian government started uplifting Coronavirus-induced restriction, many offices in metropolitan cities have been unlocked to resume the work. To ensure the safety of the employees’ health, a handful of offices opted for commercial pest control services and office deep cleaning services. Office pest control services keep the spaces pest-free and give a […]
Tips for Deep Cleaning during summer | HiCare
Being a member of an Indian household, we all are well aware that festivals like Diwali, Eid, and Christmas, are not just about new clothes and firecrackers. Deep cleaning of our house is an integral part of the celebration of these festivals. However, home cleaning once a year is not enough. As the summer of […]
10 Quick Tips About Professional Mosquito Control
Professional mosquito control is one of the growing needs of households in India. With the number of malaria cases rising, rain and humidity often bring along the annoying and blood sucking mosquitoes with them. So what can control them? Diy mosquito sprays, nets of mosquito killing bats? Whatever might be your mosquito treatment for home, […]