Cockroach Control

How Can A Cockroach Survive Without Its Head?

Do you know a cockroach without a head can survive for several days to a few weeks? This might surprise you, but these resilient creatures with their ability to survive even without a head pose a tough challenge to homeowners and pest control professionals. The only solution for cockroach control for such notorious species is […]

How Cockroaches Affect Indoor Air Quality and Respiratory Health?

Cockroaches are not just filthy-looking pests, they can have a significant impact on indoor air quality and respiratory health too. These resilient insects can carry allergens, and pathogens, and contribute to the deterioration of indoor air. Whether you agree or not, one prime reason for anyone to consider cockroach control at home is to avert […]

Water Bugs vs Cockroaches: How to Tell the Difference & Kill Them?

Do you know we sometimes mistake water bugs for cockroaches because both look almost identical? We end up searching for how to get rid of cockroaches, and the problem remains the same, this is because what we are trying to repel are not cockroaches but water bugs.  So, how do you determine whether you need […]

How to Identify Cockroach Eggs and What to Do?

Do you know one cockroach lays how many eggs? A single female cockroach can lay multiple egg cases, known as oothecae during her lifetime. A single ootheca may contain anywhere from 10-40 eggs. In short, cockroaches are prolific breeders with the ability to reproduce massively, so it is important to identify cockroach eggs to completely […]

How to Prevent Cockroach Infestation in a New Home?

Moving into a new house is an exciting chapter in life for anyone isn’t it? Among the most unwelcome guests in any new house are cockroaches. These resilient invaders can quickly turn a new living space into a battleground. So, how do you plan to prevent cockroaches in your new home? Yes, pest control is […]

Debunking 7 Common Cockroach Myths

Cockroach infestation is common in both urban and rural landscapes. But, with their persistent existence, we have been believing in several myths about cockroaches over the years. It is time we debunk them to know more about these common pests called cockroaches spotted inside our homes.  So, gear up to learn about seven common misconceptions […]

Cockroach Life Cycle – Egg, Nymph and Adult

The life cycle of cockroaches is like a tale of transformation and survival that takes in the unseen corners of our homes. The cockroach lifespan is largely impacted by the environmental conditions and the varied species. From an egg to the cryptic nymph stage and emerging bold as an adult cockroach, this six-legged pest can […]

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