Month: September 2023

How to Hire the Best Pest Control Service Near Me?

Have you always dreamt of a house with fabulous interiors, a friendly neighbourhood, and all the world-class amenities? Finally, you got one! So, are you trying your best to keep it the way you dreamt it to be always? Regular pest control is one of those essential services that can help keep your home like […]

Dengue Fever In India: Identification, Symptoms And Prevention List

Dengue fever is a mosquito borne viral infection that makes a significant health threat in many parts of the world, particularly in tropical and subtropical regions. This disease is caused by dengue virus, which is spread to humans through the bite of infected female Aedes mosquitoes. Like Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus. Dengue is a […]

8 Signs Of Bed Bug Infestation At Home | HiCare

The mere thought of bed bugs crawling around your home can make you a little itchy. Although these oval-shaped insects are not dangerous, living with them for a long-time can cause you physical and financial damage. So, if you feel that these crawling insects have infested your home, we strongly advise you to hire a […]

25th April World Malaria Day – Efforts to Control Malaria

Malaria is a lethal disease caused by an infected Anopheles mosquito. Malaria thrives in tropical and subtropical environments. There are parasites that it survives and thrives because of. Humans and other animals are infected by malaria mosquitos, which induce malaria fever (malaria bukhar), vomiting, and headaches. Furthermore, it can result in yellow skin, coma, or […]

What Are Common Health Issues Caused by Cockroaches?

Cockroaches are a serious threat in the house! Here’s a brief rundown of cockroach-related health issues to keep an eye out for in your house. In fact, having an infestation in your house might also have a negative impact on your health. The presence of cockroaches and their eggs can disturb your peace. These little […]

Do Cockroaches Cause Any Diseases?

Not all insects need to bite or sting for them to be extremely dangerous, just look at our beloved cockroaches for example. Cockroaches are literally weightlifting champions when it comes to carrying pathogens, allergens and various other harmful stuff. Through inhalation, touching or digestion, the diseases from their carryings can get transferred to a person. […]

How to Keep the Termites Away this Summer Season?

Do termites love summers as we do? Yes, not just termites, in fact, for that matter summer is the favorite season for many other insects and bugs. The demand for termite treatment goes up in the summer season and is for the simple reason that termites are very active during this time of the year.  […]

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