Mosquitoes may appear tiny, but have the big potential to make you fall sick with serious diseases. One such disease that is spread by mosquitoes is Yellow Fever. With the color yellow being associated with jaundice, many believe that this fever is nothing but jaundice or peeliya. But that is not true at all. Yellow fever is […]
Benefits of Professional Mosquito Control Service
Mosquitoes have posed for centuries as one of the most extensively dangerous insects in the entire world. Apart from the constant buzzing that causes sleepless nights and the swollen red bumps that are the result of the mosquitoes sucking your blood, they are detrimental to your health causing diseases like dengue and malaria which may […]
Top Mosquito Borne Diseases
Out on a vacation or for a weekend trip with friends or at home, you are, at some point in a time bound to wake up with those itchy red marks left behind by mosquito bites which may result in many mosquito-borne diseases. Mosquitoes are present in large number and it goes without saying that […]
Why is Summer the Best Time for Anti Termite Treatment | HiCare
There is another one-word other than Monday that can give a nightmare to anyone, and that is – Termite. One of the main reasons why termites are challenging to deal with is that their infestation cannot be detected until they have done considerable damage; and, of course, have set up large colonies. That being said, […]
Things to consider when you selecting a mosquito pest control company
Mosquitoes are a problem that is generally overlooked unless and until the ill effects of their presence are more evident. Keeping windows shut and removing stagnant water from your spaces is not enough. Also, there is a high chance that you have been relying on the highly marketed mosquito pest control products such as mosquito […]
Know how to find the pest control service in Mumbai NOW!
Mumbai is called the City of Dreams. It is one of the fastest-moving cities in the world and also the one that never sleeps. People migrate from far away places to make a career in Mumbai since it is the financial capital of India. Words like hustle and bustle are always associated with this city. […]
Protect your Home and Garden from Birds
Bird netting may not appear important because we all enjoy watching birds chirping early in the morning. However, they don’t look that beautiful while ruining your garden flowers. Fighting birds’ corrosive droppings, their tendency to destroy harvests, or preventing territorial nesting behavior can be exhausting and frustrating. The good news is that there is a […]
7 Genius Ways to Keep Birds Away From Your Home
For ages, humans have enjoyed a close relationship with birds. Whether it’s pigeons, who were once used as messengers, or colourful birds like parrots and mynas, which make for an enjoyable and fascinating company as pets. Many people are passionate about birds and participate in different bird-related hobbies such as bird watching and bird feeding, […]
30 Minutes Flat to a Sterilized Germ Free Home!
Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds each time, the government and health authorities keep telling us. Stay at home, they keep telling us. Practice social distancing, they keep repeating. Most of all, they’ve been instructing us to sanitize, and stay as safe as possible from something known as the coronavirus. Wondering why we’re […]