Year: 2023

Easy Bathroom Cleaning Tips: How to Keep Your Bathroom Clean the Whole Day

Bathroom is that one portion of the house which gets dirty most easily and most frequently. Its steamy and slippery nature makes it an ideal spot for the accumulation of both dirt and mud. The situation becomes particularly more problematic in modern day flats where to save the space even the toilets are attached to […]

Is Your Kitchen Even Dirtier than Your Toilet?

Yes, you have read it right. The latest researches show that the kitchen sink is the dirtiest portion of the house. It is most likely to harbor disease causing bacteria. It is even dirtier than the toilet bowl. Also, merely washing it isn’t enough as it leaves behind microscopically small food particles which can turn […]

Things that Cockroach Pest Control Company Don’t Want You to Know

A majority of people who look for how to get rid of cockroaches end up booking a cockroach treatment for their homes. Cockroaches are indeed the most commonly found insects in India that can eat up anything organic. Lack of cleanliness, debris, spilled food, improper garbage disposal, and water leakage are some of the main […]

How to Get Rid of Dengue Mosquitoes: Know Causes, Symptoms & Prevention Tips

It all begins with a bite! Well, we all know that Dengue is an epidemic that needs undivided attention at all costs. Every year Dengue fever affects millions of people worldwide and so yet again it has made a comeback with the season. Monsoon is right here and what it brings along with all the […]

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