Month: January 2023

Home Buyers & Owners Beware “Your Home Can have Hidden Termite & Bed Bug Infestation”

As forests disappear, termites are entering our homes to eat wood & paper including currency notes and valuable documents kept in a safe or locker! You will never know where they are coming from and when. Know the warning signs of termite infestation before buying a house, wooden furniture, and books. Say, you strike a […]

Reasons for Owning an Air Purifier Across the World

Different strokes for different folks. Or, “There are no two identical lives in the world, as the German philosopher Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz put it. No country or region in the world has the same natural environment, life style, value or culture. So, how does the air quality of a country or region vary from another? […]

5 Home Cleaning Tricks for the OCD Inside You

Keeping a clean home can be a daunting task, especially for those who have OCD tendencies. OCD or Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is a mental disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. People with OCD have obsessive thoughts or fears that cause anxiety, which leads to compulsive behaviors or rituals. These behaviors often involve cleaning, organizing, or […]

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