Mosquito Control

How to Stop Mosquito Breeding in Your Home?

Every year, thousands of people suffer from mosquito-borne diseases across the country. The number surges significantly during monsoons. It is because, rain offers plenty of grounds for mosquito breeding in the form of puddles, and clogged drains. Preventing mosquito breeding thus is one of the crucial ways of controlling the vector population and ensuring our […]

5 Places Where Mosquitoes Breed and How to Prevent Them

As per the common understanding of the common man, mosquitoes tend to breed in standing water. But where exactly? And can they be stopped from increasing their population? Remember that mosquito prevention is possible in several ways, and one such key way to prevent these blood-suckers is by putting destroying their breeding sites. Some mosquitoes […]

How to Protect Your Family from Chikungunya This Monsoon?

Do you know that mosquitoes are the deadliest creatures? Though tiny in size, these flying beasts can infect us with severe mosquito-borne diseases like Chikungunya, Dengue, and Malaria. With monsoons around, it becomes all the more important to look for the best mosquito control measures to protect yourself and your family from diseases like Chikungunya. […]

How Does Rain Affect Mosquito Population and How to Protect Yourself?

It has already started raining in many parts of the country, and with the rains return the risk of mosquito-borne diseases. Curious to know how rain affects the mosquito population and how to protect yourself from the bites of these tiny flying beasts? Mosquitoes are the most common type of rainy season insects that can […]

All About World Mosquito Day

World Mosquito Day is an annual observance dedicated to raising awareness about the impact of mosquitoes on human health and the importance of mosquito control efforts. It serves as a reminder of the devastating diseases transmitted by these tiny, yet dangerous insects. This article delves into the history of World Mosquito Day, interesting facts associated […]

Life Cycle of the Aedes Aegypti Mosquito

The dengue mosquito (dengue Machar) Aedes mosquito or Aedes aegypti mosquito is one of the only few types of mosquitoes that spread dengue disease. Aedes mosquitoes are visually distinctive because they have noticeable black and white markings on their body and legs. Unlike most other mosquitoes, they are active and bite only during the daytime. […]

7 Tips to Protect Your Child Against Mosquito Bites

As soon as the rainy season approaches, those with babies at home start worrying about mosquito bites. We are not sure whether it is the soft and tender skin of the babies or their inability to shoo away the mosquitoes; what makes mosquitoes bite babies more than adults? So, how to prevent mosquito bites on babies and small children? […]

Do Mosquitoes Get Attracted to Certain Blood Types?

Over the years, we have noticed that mosquitoes are smart species with their own set of preferences. Do you know that mosquitoes like biting people with specific blood groups? A lot can be sorted in terms of mosquito control if you know what attracts mosquitoes the most. So, is there any mosquito favourite blood group? […]

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