When you spend the maximum time of your day at your workplace, it is important to keep it as clean as your home. Having pest in your office could push away your clients and possibly your employees as well. The simplest way to keep pest away in your workspace is by calling a pest control […]
How to treat termites? Can we do termite treatment ourselves?
Be it any pest you may find at home. Cockroaches, mosquitoes, bed bugs, rats, or anything else. The first question is always about how you can get rid of them. Your mind starts ticking to find ways to repel them. Or kill them. When it comes to termites too, we want to know about DIY […]
What are Bed Bugs? Bedbugs Symptoms and Causes
Learn everything about bed bug bites symptoms & the root causes of bed bug growth at home. Avoid bed bug bites with Bedbug treatment service from Hicare! What Are Bed Bugs? We often hear about deadly diseases that insects can cause to human beings, but there are some who pose no health hazard while still […]
Expert Tips on Selecting the Best Pest Control Service
When selecting a pest control company, there are many factors we must look through. Here are expert tips on how to select the best pest control service. Let’s start from the beginning. What exactly is bed bug treatment, and why do we need it? Insects, birds, and other animals need food and shelter much like people. […]
Why to avoid local pest control and What are their harms?
Learn about the harms of local pest control service at Hicare. Also, get to know the differences between a professional & local service & choose wisely! The subject of pest control is a very sensitive one, one which needs to be handled with care. When you suffer from pest infestations, you can get extremely frustrated. […]
Leptospirosis Virus Claims Mumbai Teenager’s Life!
We’re often discussing the latest diseases and illnesses to be careful of in India. We’ve spoken about how to be careful of mosquitoes and mosquito-related diseases during the monsoons. However, there seems to be another big issue that’s plaguing the country at the moment. In particular, the city of Mumbai. That issue is leptospirosis. A […]
6 Reasons to Hire Professional Sofa Cleaning Services
It doesn’t matter whether you own a big or a small house. You never know when you would have guests at home. The best place to seat your guests is a well-maintained and beautiful sofa set. You’d be in for embarrassment if your sofa is dirty. Buying a good sofa set is not a guarantee […]
10 Easy Tricks That will Make Your Bathroom Spotless in Absolutely No Time
Despite being a tough task, bathroom cleaning is one thing that you can’t ignore for a longer period. It is one place of your house that is used frequently and if left dirty, may spoil the whole look and may invite various health hazards too. Be it the shower, toilet, sink, bathtub, or the tiles, […]
Which Pest Control Service is Best for Cockroach Management
As soon as your search history is flooded with “Cockroach Pest Control near me”, it is often followed by the query – “Pest Control for Cockroaches price”. Thus, it is quite clear that when it comes to hiring Professional Cockroach Pest Control, the cost plays a crucial role in the decision-making process. Though it is […]