Bed Bugs Control

Having Bed Bug Problems? Here are The Top 5 Pesticides to be Used!

Bed Bugs are among the toughest creatures to get rid of once they find a place in our homes. Sometimes small enough to be missed by the human eye, they feast on human blood and reproduce at lightning speed, which makes them more threatening than most other insects. They don’t carry diseases, but they bite […]

What Attracts Bed Bugs to Your Bed Mattresses and Home?

Bed bugs, as the name suggests are considered to be the common bugs infesting our beds. After all, we do not wash our beds, all we do is change the bedsheets and bedcovers not daily. So, bedbug infestations are quite common all around the world, both in residential spaces like homes, and commercial spaces like […]

8 Signs Of Bed Bug Infestation At Home | HiCare

The mere thought of bed bugs crawling around your home can make you a little itchy. Although these oval-shaped insects are not dangerous, living with them for a long-time can cause you physical and financial damage. So, if you feel that these crawling insects have infested your home, we strongly advise you to hire a […]

How to Identify a Bug Bite Allergy Quickly and When to Seek Help?

Are you allergic to bug bites? But, how do you know that it is a bug bite and nothing else? Well, relax, don’t panic! We are here to help you out by revealing the steps to identify not just bed bug bites but also the presence of bedbugs inside your home. Remember that identifying a […]

How Does Seasonal Weather Change Impact Bed Bug Infestation?

Bedbugs are blood-sucking pests that are hard to see by the naked eye. If infested in a home, especially on a bed, these tiny insects can make you suffer from itchy, restless and sleepless nights. Experts believe that, like any other pest, bed bug infestations too get impacted by seasonal weather changes. So, what is […]

7 Factors to Consider When Choosing Bed Bug Pest Control | HiCare

Bed bugs are those pesky pests that are extremely minuscule in size and make it extremely difficult to detect them or even kill them. Because of their small size and colour, they get away with spreading diseases, harming your sleep and mental peace. We clean our bed space thoroughly during festivals like Diwali or Ganesh […]

How to Stop Bed Bugs from Spoiling Your Child’s Summer Vacation?

Summer vacations are around the corner, and kids are super excited to be home 24×7. You, too, are looking forward to creating some lovely memories. But, at the same time, as a concerned parent, you must ensure that your kids get a safe home that is free of bugs to spend these summer holidays. You […]

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