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Beginners Guide to Fly Borne Diseases and Prevention

Fly borne diseases also known as vector-borne diseases are illnesses caused by microorganisms that are transmitted by the bites of infected flies. These diseases are a significant health problem worldwide, particularly in developing countries. Flies are attracted to human and animal waste as well as decaying organic matter. They can easily spread diseases due to their feeding and breeding habits. In this article we will discuss why flies are so bad, their relation with diseases, the diseases they spread and how to get rid of them and fly borne diseases.

What Makes Flies Problematic?

Flies are often considered to be annoying and pesky insects that buzz around our food and face but they are much more than that. Flies are known to carry and spread diseases because they feed on various organic materials, including feces, garbage and decaying organic matter. This means that they can pick up disease-causing organisms from these materials and then transfer them to other surfaces, including food and people’s skin.

Flies are also notorious for breeding rapidly, with some species laying up to 900 eggs at a time. They thrive in warm, moist conditions, making homes, markets and other public places, particularly in developing countries, ideal breeding grounds. This means that there can be a large population of flies in a short amount of time, which can make it difficult to control their spread.

Relation Between Flies and Diseases

Flies are a vector for several types of diseases, including bacterial, viral and parasitic infections. When flies come in contact with infectious materials, they can transfer these pathogens to other surfaces, including food, water and skin, through their mouthparts, feet and excrement.

One of the most common ways that flies spread diseases is through fecal contamination. Flies feed on feces and then land on surfaces, including food, where they leave behind the bacteria or viruses they have picked up. This can result in illness like diarrhea, cholera, and typhoid fever.

Flies can also spread viral infections such as the Zika virus, dengue fever and yellow fever. These diseases are transmitted by specific species of mosquitoes but flies can serve as a secondary vector. When an infected mosquito feeds on a person, the virus replicates in their bloodstream and can be detected in their saliva. Flies can then feed on this saliva and transfer the virus to other people through their bite.

Top 8 Diseases Caused by Flies

There are several diseases that can be spread by flies, including:

  1. Cholera: A bacterial infection that causes severe diarrhea and dehydration.
  2. Typhoid Fever: A bacterial infection that causes fever, headaches and stomach pain.
  3. Dysentery: A bacterial infection that causes bloody diarrhea and stomach cramps.
  4. Salmonella: A bacterial infection that can causes fever, diarrhea and abdominal cramps.
  5. Trachoma: A bacterial infection that causes eye damage and blindness.
  6. Conjunctivitis: A viral infection that causes red, itchy and watery eyes.
  7. Zika virus: A viral infection that can cause birth defects in infants born to infected mothers.
  8. Yellow fever: A viral infection that causes fever, headache and muscle pain.

7 Best Tips to Prevent Flies and Fly Borne Diseases

To get rid of flies and prevent the spread of fly borne diseases, several measures can be taken, including:

  1. Good Hygiene: Keeping your home and surrounding areas clean and free from food scraps and garbage can help reduce the number of flies that breed and feed in those areas.
  2. Fly Traps: Using fly traps, sticky tapes and ultraviolet light traps can help capture and kill flies, reducing their population.
  3. Insecticides: Using insecticides, both indoors and outdoors, can help control the fly population. However, it is important to use insecticides safely and according to instructions to avoid harmful effects on humans and the environment.
  4. Screen Doors and Windows: Installing screen doors and windows can help prevent flies from entering your home, reducing the likelihood of contamination.
  5. Proper Waste Management: Proper waste disposal, including the use of covered trash bins and regular garbage collection, can help reduce the breeding grounds for flies.
  6. Personal Hygiene: Washing hands regularly, particularly before handling food, can help prevent the spread of diseases caused by flies.
  7. Insecticide Treated Bed Nets: Using insecticide-treated bed nets can help prevent the spread of diseases like malaria, which are spread by mosquitoes but can also be carried by flies.


If you do suspect a flies problem, immediately call the experts to get rid of them as soon as possible before they take place at your house. We at Hicare provide professional pest control services all over India to prevent fly borne diseases. Call us on 8828333888 or visit our website HiCare to know more about the service.


1. How do flies transmit disease to humans?

Flies can spread diseases by landing on contaminated surfaces like garbage or feces and then transferring those germs to human food or surfaces. When we consume contaminated food or touch contaminated surfaces and then touch our mouths, we can get sick from the germs carried by flies.

2. What foodborne illness is from flies?

One common foodborne illness caused by flies is Salmonellosis. Flies can pick up Salmonella bacteria from feces and then transfer it to human food, causing illness when consumed.

3. What are 3 diseases caused by houseflies?

Houseflies are known to spread diseases like cholera, typhoid fever, and dysentery. They pick up harmful bacteria from dirty places like contaminated water or feces and then spread it to food or surfaces where people can come into contact with it, making them sick.

4. Are flies harmful to humans?

Yes, flies can be harmful to humans because they can spread diseases by carrying and transferring bacteria and other pathogens. By contaminating our food and surroundings, they can cause illnesses such as food poisoning and infections.

5. Can flies give you food poisoning?

Yes, flies can give you food poisoning. When flies come into contact with contaminated substances like feces or garbage, they can pick up harmful bacteria such as Salmonella or E. coli. If they then land on food or food preparation surfaces, they can transfer these bacteria, which can lead to foodborne illnesses and symptoms like nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. Therefore, it's important to keep flies away from food and maintain proper hygiene practices to prevent food poisoning.

6. How can you prevent flies borne disease?

To prevent diseases spread by flies, you should keep your surroundings clean by regularly disposing of garbage and waste. Make sure to cover food and keep it sealed to prevent flies from landing on it. Maintain proper hygiene by washing hands before eating and after using the toilet. These simple steps can help reduce the risk of getting sick from diseases carried by flies.

7. What is the most effective way to prevent flies?

The most effective way to prevent flies is to eliminate their breeding sites. Clean up any areas where flies might lay eggs, such as garbage bins, pet waste, and rotting food. Use fly traps or insecticides to control fly populations if necessary. Additionally, keep doors and windows closed or screened to prevent flies from entering your living spaces. By removing their sources of food and breeding grounds, you can significantly reduce the number of flies around your home or business.

Beginners Guide to Fly Borne Diseases and Prevention

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